One item I like to look for especially is an acrylic sweater with a nice finished edge and a woven design near the hem. I can usually get two hats out of a sweater, sometimes three (depending on the size of the arms.)
Acrylic knit doesn't unravel easily and can be cut and worked with with little trouble or mess.
I forgot to take a photo of the whole sweater before I started cutting away, but here you see that I've cut two square pieces, slicing down the middle of the sweater. In this way, I can use a side seam as one finished seam to the hat. I had also already cut off the arms. I have enough here for two hats.
This is the website I use to determine how big the had should be at the finished edge: In this case the finished hat is 20" circumference.
The easiest hat to make is to turn a bowl upside down on the square and create a rounded top, leaving the bottom edge finished. Just sew up one side and over the curve at the top and you have a nice ski cap! In the photo to the left you see the wrong side of another hat where I'd rounded the corners.
From the sweater I bought today, though, I thought I'd use the arms as part of the hat and make stocking caps! Let me show you how...
Now you have the bottom edge already finished thanks to the sweater manufacturer and you have two side seams. If you cut your square deep enough, you could gather the top on the inside and add a pom pom and be done. However, we are going to use the arm to make a stocking end of this hat.
Place the arm inside the hat, right sides together. You may have to stretch it a bit to make it fit. Sew and finish the seam.
Keeping that hat wrong side out, gather the edge of the stocking part (the wrist of the sleeve) and secure it tightly.
After getting this far, I decided I'd like a little more thickness over the ears so I turned the edge to the inside about 4 inches and sewed it down. Now whoever wears this hat will have very warm ears!
Turn the hat right side out and add a pom pom. Voila! Stocking cap that looks (almost) like you knitted it!
Just in case you need a little reminder how to make a pom pom:

Wrap yarn around a card until very thick- about 35-50 times. I used a card from a seam binding package. The card should be almost twice as long as you want the width of the finished pom pom to be.

Carefully slide the loops off of the card and tie them tightly in the middle with the same yarn.
Do you have any other uses for an old sweater? Please share them with us!